Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Yosemite Valley

I was just browsing the Michael Shapiro Gallery this morning and came across a shot taken by Ansel Adams. (
I realized that I had made a somewhat similar image as a storm was clearing several years back. The clouds lifting to show a dusting of new snow. The big difference in his moment and mine (other than the obvious fact that he is Ansel Adams and I am not) was that I drove my 4x5 camera along a paved road and was directed by signage to the scenic Yosemite Valley overlook. Meanwhile, Ansel Adams, pioneered this location with his burro, Mistletoe, loaded with near 100 lbs of gear and food including his 8x10 camera and glass plates. His hand and shutter made the first image. In 2012 alone there were 4 million visitors.      - brown cannon III

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