Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Brown and Cedric are committed to giving back to the places they photograph. They are proud to announce that INTERSECTION will be donating a percentage of all sales to the people who have trusted them in front of the camera and to the places that have enriched their imagery.

The first official INTERSECTION donation was given last week to the Batak Village on the island of Palawan in the Philippines. Slash and burn farming has recently been banned on the island of Palawan. This is a positive in most cases as it minimizes deforestation. However, the Batak people have survived off of this type of farming to provide enough rice for their people for decades. With this new policy they are no longer able to grow enough food. They are being displaced, and their culture is at risk of disappearing.

The INTERSECTION donation is to help begin a banana tree planting project. Mature banana trees are plentiful with fruit and while they will not erase the need to produce rice, the project will make the production of necessary rice stock more manageable. In addition, the Batak people will be able to sell bananas to help buy rice when in need. We will be updated periodically and will keep you posted on the progress of the project.

The Batak is comprised of 5 settlements and has a population of approximately 351 people. This photograph is the chief of the settlement in Kalakuasan.

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