Sunday, September 11, 2011


Remembering 9/11. I awoke to the phone ringing."Are you okay, turn on the TV, the Twin Towers are on fire." I watched it on TV, watched as the two towers crumble one by one. I did not know what to make of what was going on at that point, did not realize that thousands of people died.  I lived on the corner of Prince and Elizabeth, I ran up to the roof of my building and watched the plume of smoke cover the sun, the smoke coming from where I would normally see the Twin Towers. These pictures I took that day and the following days after the attack stayed in a box on my shelf. I never looked at them for years until this morning. It is surreal to think that it has been 10 years since it happened - Cedric Angeles. Copyright Cedric Angeles / Intersection Photos 2001

View from Prince and Elizabeth

Buildings and Smoke

Broadway Avenue

Crowd on Corner of Canal in Chinatown

Cops on Broadway

Watching the news on the street

Broadway Avenue

Crowd on Canal

Car covered in debris

Man watching the news 


Man holding missing photo of relative

Peace Rally in Union Square

Peace demonstration on Broadway Avenue

2 young boys holding impeach Bush Poster

Peace Rally in Union Square

Peace Rally in Union Square

Peace Rally in Union Square

Peace Rally in Union Square