Thursday, June 24, 2010

Golden Gate

Following a recent surf under the Golden Gate Bridge, I thought it was time to learn a fact or two:
8,980 feet in length
4,199 feet - the length of the longest span
Orange Vermillion is the paint color
220 feet of clearance under the span
11 men died building it
Weight - 887,000 tons
1,874,100,431 - vehicles that have crossed as of Nov 2009

8980 feet

Monday, June 21, 2010

Agua Boa River - A feeder river to the Amazon

Deep in the Amazon, the silence of night was broken by the incoming storm. One that was big, and swift and strong. A storm that quickly reminded me of how far I was from home. And how fortunate I was to witness it. -Brown

Friday, June 11, 2010

This is a road trip to a country that have always fascinated me. I was commissioned by a magazine to be there, to look and come back with pictures. Memories of Iran pieced together through images. I wanted to photograph everyone and everything that I saw when I was there, realizing that I would never have the chance to go back again. The photographs are from Tehran, Shiraz, Esfahan, Yazd and smaller towns in between. Towns that I know, full of hearts and minds that will voice out their opposition on June 12, the anniversay of the re-election of Ahmadinejad. This film is for all of them. Iran will always be a dream for me. - Cedric Angeles

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Iran is one of my favorite places. This is a photo I took of the capital Tehran right before the snow blanketed the city. I have not seen any news lately from Iran in the front pages of the newspapers but I am sure that would change on June 12, the anniversary of the the re-election of Ahmadinejad. The latest news is that Ahmadinejad has deployed about 2 million paramilitary into Tehran to thwart any protests, jailing activists.
I lost all my contacts for my Iran negatives. I am slowly scanning the negs, hoping to put together a visual memory of what I experienced. I will share this before June 12
-Cedric Angeles